How does power corrupt??
Power is something we all seek in one way or another. Whether it is power in a relationship or power over people we all seek power and depending on the person power can corrupt them. In the play Macbeth you see many good examples as to how power corrupts and the aftermath. One good example is Macbeth himself, in the story he has the power of knowing what is going to happen in the future. He meets the witches and they say "Hail to thee Thane of Cawdor" and tell him "[he] [shall] be King.." neither of which he was and even though they had told him he would be he did not believe them until he was told that he had been made the Thane of Cawdor. Knowing what else the witches had said he used the power of "knowing" and killed the King. The power of knowing corrupted him because before hand he never would have killed the King and this began his insanity and the corruption caused by this power. Another way power corrupts is the second time he goes to see the witches and they tell him "Laugh to scorn the pow'r of man, for none of women born born shall harm Macbeth". The power in this case is once again knowing, or at least the belief that he "knows", from "knowing" that none of women born shall harm him he goes crazy and kills all of Macduffs family, knowing that no one could hurt him. Without a consequence he is given full power and this is what corrupts Macbeth.
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